Adafruit IndustriesZero Spy Camera | 1937Sensor Development Boards und Kits

Image Sensor Development Tool

Build a DIY Spy mini-camera with the Pi Zero W!

Adafruit’s Zero Spy Camera is one of the smallest camera modules for the Raspberry Pi Zero (not included) available on the market. The camera, which is actually slightly smaller than the camera in your phone, interfaces directly into the Pi Zero in the socket at the end opposite the SD reader via 2” ribbon cable. The camera has a 5-megapixel native resolution with built-in fixed focus, and since it and its ribbon cable are so small, the tiny camera bodes well to all things sneaky, like spying on a sibling or a backyard cam to monitor the pesky deer eating your kale plant. The camera interface uses the dedicated CSI interface, which was designed specifically for interfacing with cameras such as this. The CSI bus is actually capable of incredibly fast data rates, which exclusively carries pixel data to your Raspberry Pi Zero allowing for seamless video, every time. The camera connects to the BCM2835 processor on the Raspberry Pi Zero via the CSI bus, which allows a higher bandwidth link. This bus travels along the ribbon cable that attaches the camera board to the Pi. There are a few important details that should be noted as well! The Ribbon cable is compatible with both the Pi Zero v1.3 and the Pi Zero W, making this a very flexible (HA) camera module for all of your Raspberry Pi Zero needs. Lastly, neither the Raspberry Pi Zero v1.3 or the Raspberry Pi Zero W come with this module, so you will need to pick up one of those as well if you have not gotten your hands on one already!

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  • Manufacturer Lead Time:
    1 Woche
    • Price: 38,9696 €
    1. 10+38,9696 €