
Zener Diode Single 20V 5% 14Ohm 1500mW 2-Pin SMA T/R

Need to run a diode in the breakdown region? No problem, use a voltage regulator 1SMA5932BT3G zener diode from ON Semiconductor. Its test current is 18.7 mA. This device has a maximum regulator current of 75 mA. Its maximum leakage current is 0.5 μA. Its maximum power dissipation is 1500 mW. This product will be shipped in tape and reel packaging so that components can be mounted effectively. It is made in a single configuration. This zener diode has a minimum operating temperature of -65 °C and a maximum of 150 °C. This zener device has a nominal voltage of 20 V and a voltage tolerance of 5%.

7.847 Stück: morgen versandbereit

    Total0,33 €Price for 1

    • Service Fee  6,60 €

      morgen versandbereit

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      Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
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      23 Wochen
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      • Price: 0,3343 €
      Spliced leader/trailer tape per EIA standards Leader tape:400mm=15.75'; Trail tape:160mm=6.3' more information
    • morgen versandbereit

      Ships from:
      Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
      Date Code:
      Manufacturer Lead Time:
      23 Wochen
      Country Of origin:
      • In Stock: 7.847 Stück
      • Price: 0,3343 €