Microchip TechnologyAC244045In-Circuit Programmers, Emulators and Debuggers

PIC10F322-ICE Microcontroller Debugger

  • Entwicklungskit-Beschreibung

    This Processor Extension Pak is designed for those who wish to debug with the PIC10(L)F320/322 family of microcontrollers in-circuit. The Processor Extension Pak provides debug capabilities while freeing up I/O pins.

  • Weitere Informationen zum Entwicklungskit

No Stock Available

Quantity Increments of 1 Minimum 2
  • Manufacturer Lead Time:
    26 Wochen
    • Price: 86,7555 €
    1. 2+86,7555 €
    2. 5+85,8816 €
    3. 10+85,0264 €
    4. 25+84,1713 €
    5. 50+83,3349 €
    6. 100+82,4985 €
    7. 250+81,6716 €
    8. 500+80,8540 €
    9. 1000+80,0459 €
    10. 5000+79,2471 €