Analog DevicesAD539KNZAnaloger Teiler und Multiplikator

Analog Multiplier/Divider 2Bit 16-Pin PDIP Tube

This AD539KNZ analog multiplier and divider from Analog Devices produces an output proportional to the product of two or more independent voltages or currents in your electronic circuit. It has a single output. Its typical dual supply voltage is ±5|±9|±12 V, with a minimum of ±4.5 V and maximum of ±15 V. This part has a temperature range of 0 °C to 70 °C. This device comes in tube packaging. This device uses dual power supplies.

7 Stück: Versand in vsl. 2 Tagen

    Total66,73 €Price for 1

    • Versand in vsl. 2 Tagen

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      • Price: 66,7314 €