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Microchip TechnologyDM240313Eingebettete Systementwicklungsboards und -kits

PIC18F87K22/PIC16LF1947 Microcontroller Development Board 0.032768MHz/10MHz CPU 128KB/28KB Serial EEPROM/Flash

If your project requires microprocessor-based functionality, this DM240313 embedded system development board from Microchip Technology is for you. It has a maximum clock speed of 0.032768/10 MHz. Its serial eeprom/flash program memory is 128KB|28KB.

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8 Stück: heute versandbereit

    Total57,93 €Price for 1

    • heute versandbereit

      Ships from:
      Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
      Date Code:
      Manufacturer Lead Time:
      18 Wochen
      Country Of origin:
      • In Stock: 8 Stück
      • Price: 57,9345 €