
Motor Controller 20-Pin SO T/R

Do you have various machines that need to be automated? Take control with the stepper motor L6506D013TR stepper motor driver, developed by STMicroelectronics. Its typical operating supply voltage is 5 V. This product will be shipped in tape and reel packaging for quick mounting and safe delivery. This device has a typical operating supply voltage of 5 V. Its minimum operating supply voltage of 4.5 V, while its maximum is 7 V. This motor controller has a maximum operating temperature of 150 °C.

3.000 Stück: morgen versandbereit

    Total1.903,50 €Price for 1000

    • (1000)

      morgen versandbereit

      Ships from:
      Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
      Date Code:
      Manufacturer Lead Time:
      45 Wochen
      Country Of origin:
      • In Stock: 3.000 Stück
      • Price: 1,9035 €