STMicroelectronicsL78S75CVLinear Regulators

Standard Regulator Pos 7.5V 2A 3-Pin(3+Tab) TO-220AB Tube

Having trouble maintaining a steady voltage? This standard L78S75CV linear regulator from STMicroelectronics will give you control over the voltage levels of your circuit. This voltage regulation device's single output can produce a current up to 2 A. The best way to provide power to your application is by using this, which needs a voltage of at least 10.5 V and no higher than 35 V. With a fixed output that has a voltage of 7.5 V, this is power management at its best. Users like the load regulation of 140mV and line regulation of 120mV. In order to ensure parts aren't damaged by bulk packaging, this product comes in tube packaging to add a little more protection by storing the loose parts in an outer tube. Its polarity is positive. This voltage regulation device has a minimum operating temperature of 0 °C and a maximum of 150 °C.

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237 Stück: Versand in vsl. 10 Tagen

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      • Price: 0,2234 €