STMicroelectronicsLD39130SJ41RLinear Regulators

LDO Regulator Pos 4.1V 0.3A 4-Pin Flip-Chip T/R

Say goodbye to unstable voltages with this LDO LD39130SJ41R linear regulator from STMicroelectronics. Its typical dropout voltage at current is 0.3@300mA V. It has an overall accuracy of ±1 %. This voltage regulation device's single output can produce a current up to 0.3 A. This will operate at a minimum voltage of 1.4 V and a maximum voltage of 5.5 V, making it easy to control the power in your circuit. With a fixed output that has a voltage of 4.1 V, this is power management at its best. Using a load regulation of 1.5% and line regulation of 0.5%/V is needed for a programmable DC power supply. This product will be shipped in tape and reel packaging so that components can be mounted effectively. Its polarity is positive. This voltage regulation device has an operating temperature range of -40 °C to 125 °C.

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      • Price: 0,7514 €
      Spliced leader/trailer tape per EIA standards Leader tape:400mm=15.75'; Trail tape:160mm=6.3' more information
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      Ships from:
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      • In Stock: 2.184 Stück
      • Price: 0,7514 €