STMicroelectronicsLDK120PU08RLinear Regulators

LDO Regulator Pos 0.8V 0.2A 6-Pin DFN T/R

Having trouble maintaining a steady voltage? This LDO LDK120PU08R linear regulator from STMicroelectronics will give you control over the voltage levels of your circuit. Its typical dropout voltage at current is 0.1@100mA|0.15@200mA V. It has an overall accuracy of ±2 %. This voltage regulation device's single output can produce a current up to 0.2 A. The best way to provide power to your application is by using this, which needs a voltage of at least 1.9 V and no higher than 5.5 V. With a fixed output that has a voltage of 0.8 V, this is power management at its best. To produce a constant current at your output, supply your circuit with a load regulation of 0.006%/mA(Typ) and line regulation of 0.05%/V(Typ). This component will be shipped in tape and reel packaging for effective mounting and safe delivery. This voltage regulation device has an operating temperature range of -40 °C to 125 °C. Its polarity is positive. The maximum dropout voltage is 0.3@200mA V.

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2.950 Stück: heute versandbereit

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      Spliced leader/trailer tape per EIA standards Leader tape:400mm=15.75'; Trail tape:160mm=6.3' more information
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      • In Stock: 2.950 Stück
      • Price: 0,0248 €