
Multiplexer 1-Element CMOS 8-IN 16-Pin TSSOP Tube

Do you want to reduce the number of electrical lines within your project? The MC74HC151ADTG multiplexer from ON Semiconductor can easily forward a selected input into a single line. This multiplexer has a minimum operating temperature of -55 °C and a maximum of 125 °C. This product comes in rail packaging to keep individual parts separated and protected. It is made in a 1 x 8:1 configuration. This inverting/non-inverting device has a typical operating supply voltage of 2.5|3.3|5 V. Its minimum operating supply voltage of 2 V, while its maximum is 6 V.

2.963 Stück: heute versandbereit

    Total0,26 €Price for 1

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      • In Stock: 2.963 Stück
      • Price: 0,2602 €