Supplier Unconfirmed | |
3E991 | |
Active | |
8542.33.00.01 | |
Automotive | No |
PPAP | No |
The MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail Demo Board features the MCP6S22 and MCP6S92 Programmable Gain Amplifiers (PGA).Two on-board variable resistors allow users to experiment with different designs on the bench. DIP switches on the board select certain resistors (in a binary weighted sequence) to add together, thereby emulating the series resistor in the voltage divider and the thermistor’s change in resistance over temperature.Entwicklungskit-Funktionen
-All amplifier resistors and capacitors are socketed-Supports all Microchip single op amps:-8-pin PDIP package (e.g., MCP6021) is socketed-8-pin SOIC package can be accommodated-Test points for connecting lab equipment-Single supply configurationWeitere Informationen zum Entwicklungskit
Datasheet: Guide: Guide: Guide: