Microchip TechnologyMCP9700DM-TH1Sensor Development Boards und Kits

MCP9700 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Demonstration Board Automotive AEC-Q100

  • Entwicklungskit-Beschreibung

    The MCP9700 Thermistor Demo Board contains the analog circuitry to measure temperature. It uses BC Components’ 232264055103 NTC thermistor to convert temperature to resistance. The thermistor is placed in a voltage divider which converts resistance to voltage. This voltage is filtered and placed at the MCP6S22 Programmable Gain Amplifier’s (PGA) CH0 input. The PGA gains and buffers the thermistor
  • Entwicklungskit-Funktionen

    -MCP9700 Temperature Sensor
    -Thermistor Solution with adjustable range
    -PC interface via USB
    -Thermal Management Graphical User Interface
  • Weitere Informationen zum Entwicklungskit

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      26 Wochen
      Country Of origin:
      Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
      • In Stock: 2 Stück
      • Price: 0,6805 €