STMicroelectronicsSTEVAL-IFP001V1Energiemanagement, Entwicklungsplatinen und -kits

VN808CM-E Power Switch Demonstration Board

Are you in the design phase? Use this STEVAL-IFP001V1 power management development kit developed by STMicroelectronics. This part has 8 outputs.
  • Entwicklungskit-Beschreibung

    The STEVAL-IFP001V1 demonstration board implements the functions of the VN808CM-E, an 8-channel high-side driver with CMOS compatible voltage levels in industrial applications, and is developed using VIPower M0-3 proprietary technology. The VN808CM-E completes the series of octal high-side drivers for the factory automation market.

    It is intended for driving any kind of load with one side connected to ground and can be driven by using a 3.3 V logic supply. Active current limitation, combined with thermal shutdown and automatic restart, protects the device against overload.

    The STEVAL-IFP001V1 is compliant with international electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) specifications as well as EMC immunity proof 4 kV level EFT (IEC 61000-4-4), and 2 kV voltage surge (IEC 61000-4-5), and has been tested at different typical ambient temperatures. It is suitable for use in programmable logic controllers to produce the related digital outputs according to IEC standards.

    The STEVAL-IFP001V1 is also based on the SM15T33A, a unidirectional Transil™ diode.

  • Entwicklungskit-Funktionen

    • Compatible with existing ST tools (CANIC10, ARMIC30…, etc.)
    • 8 output channels + 1 feedback channel (diagnostic - status)
    • CMOS compatible signals allow direct connection to a microcontroller
    • Outputs and diagnostic status indicated by LEDs
    • EMC immunity proof 4 kV level EFT (IEC 61000-4-4), 2 kV voltage surge (IEC 61000- 4-5)
  • Weitere Informationen zum Entwicklungskit

1 Stück: Versand in vsl. 10 Tagen

    Total41,00 €Price for 1

    • Versand in vsl. 10 Tagen

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      • In Stock: 1 Stück
      • Price: 40,9968 €