Diodes IncorporatedZXRE125EFTASpannungsreferenzen

V-Ref Precision 1.22V 20mA 3-Pin SOT-23 T/R

Even in the event of large power supply variations, this ZXRE125EFTA voltage reference power management device from Diodes Zetex can produce and maintain a precise DC voltage. With an output that has a voltage of 1.22 V, this is power management at its best. It has an initial accuracy of 2%. This voltage reference circuit supports shunt topology. Users like the load regulation of 10mV. This product will be shipped in tape and reel packaging so that components can be mounted effectively. This voltage reference circuit has a minimum operating temperature of -40 °C and a maximum of 85 °C. It runs with a maximum temperature coefficient of 75ppm/°C.

2.098 Stück: heute versandbereit

    Total80,95 €Price for 186

    • Service Fee  6,60 €

      heute versandbereit

      Ships from:
      Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
      Date Code:
      Manufacturer Lead Time:
      8 Wochen
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      Country Of origin:
      • Price: 0,4352 €
      Spliced leader/trailer tape per EIA standards Leader tape:400mm=15.75'; Trail tape:160mm=6.3' more information
    • heute versandbereit

      Ships from:
      Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
      Date Code:
      Manufacturer Lead Time:
      8 Wochen
      Country Of origin:
      • In Stock: 2.098 Stück
      • Price: 0,4352 €