Analog DevicesAD7380BCPZ-RL7A/D-W

2-Channel Dual ADC SAR 4Msps 16-bit Serial (1-Wire, 2-Wire, SPI) 16-Pin LFCSP EP T/R

Product Highlights

- Dual simultaneous sampling and conversion with two complete ADC functions.
- Pin-compatible product family.
- High 4 MSPS throughput rate.
- Space saving 3 mm × 3 mm LFCSP package.
- Integrated oversampling block to increase dynamic range, reduce noise, and reduce SCLK speed requirements.
- Differential analog inputs with wide common-mode range.
- Small sampling capacitor reduces amplifier drive burden.


- Motor control position feedback
- Motor control current sense
- Sonar
- Power quality
- Data acquisition systems
- EDFA applications
- I and Q demodulation  

Features and Benefits

- 16-bit/14-bit ADC family
- Dual simultaneous sampling
- Fully differential analog inputs
- 4 MSPS throughput conversion rate
- SNR (typical)
- On-chip oversampling function
- Resolution boost function
- SNR 102.8 dB (typical) with ×32 OSR
- INL (maximum)
- 2.5 V internal reference at 10 ppm/°C
- High speed serial interface
- -40°C to +125°C operation
- 16-lead LFCSP, 3 mm × 3 mm
- Wide common-mode range
- Alert function 

Product Lifecycle:

Recommended for new designs. This product has been released to the market. The data sheet contains all final specifications and operating conditions. For new designs, ADI recommends utilization of these products.

35 Stück: morgen versandbereit

    Total21,62 €Price for 1

    • Service Fee  6,55 €

      morgen versandbereit

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      Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
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      10 Wochen
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      • Price: 21,6181 €
      Spliced leader/trailer tape per EIA standards Leader tape:400mm=15.75'; Trail tape:160mm=6.3' more information
    • morgen versandbereit

      Ships from:
      Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
      Date Code:
      Manufacturer Lead Time:
      10 Wochen
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      • In Stock: 35 Stück
      • Price: 21,6181 €