Silicon Labs
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Exklusiv bei Arrow Electronics: 50% Rabatt auf xG28-Entwicklungskits
Schöpfen Sie das Potenzial der EFR32xG28 von Silicon Labs voll aus! Sichern Sie sich bei Arrow Electronics bis zum 31. Januar 2024 50% Rabatt auf xG28-Entwicklungskits – ideal für Smart-Home- und für Industrie-Apps. Code: WORKSWITH
Silicon Labs adds AI acceleration to wireless IoT chips
In this podcast, Sally speaks to Silicon Labs about the company’s wireless IoT chips with AI acceleration, what use cases need this capability, how the accelerator fits into the device’s deep sleep modes and how AI works with the company’s software stack.
The demand for remote healthcare and telehealth services is accelerating the need for the IoMT
The pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation of the healthcare sector as people seek to avoid crowded hospitals and prefer to receive necessary care at home to prevent diseases. The rapid adoption of telehealth and remote healthcare services has accelerated the demand for the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), driving the need for smarter, more accurate, and more connected wearable and portable medical devices. This article will explore the trends in healthcare applications and the product features of wireless solutions introduced by Silicon Labs.
Low-power Wi-Fi wireless connectivity solutions for industrial IoT applications
The current Industry 4.0 is transforming the development of the industrial sector and creating trillions of dollars in new market opportunities. Energy-efficient manufacturing, supply chains, and asset-intensive places can all be realized with Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) smart solutions. Low-power Wi-Fi wireless connectivity for IIoT connections will support various IIoT applications in challenging RF (Radio Frequency) environments and harsh conditions. This article will introduce you to the application requirements of IIoT, the characteristics of low-power Wi-Fi wireless connectivity, and the low-power Wi-Fi wireless connectivity solutions offered by Silicon Labs.
Silicon Labs Works With 2023 IoT developer conference
Works With 2023 is bringing you two days of technical sessions, keynotes, and expert-led panels covering the latest trends, tools, and design techniques for developers. This free virtual conference will be held on August 22nd and 23rd. The industry-leading developer conference will feature 40+ in-depth technical sessions covering every major IoT protocol and ecosystem. Taught by Silicon Labs engineers and other industry experts, the sessions are designed to demystify, simplify, and accelerate the development of IoT products. The company also announced that CEO Matt Johnson will share a sneak peek at Silicon Labs' next-generation platform in the conference's opening keynote. The next-gen platform will build on the success of Silicon Labs' Series 2 integrated hardware and software platform, purpose-built for the IoT.