Arrow Receives EMEA Broadline Distributor of the Year from Panasonic

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Recently, Panasonic announced Arrow Electronics as their EMEA Broadline Distributor of the Year, marking three consecutive wins for Arrow.

By honoring Arrow with this award, Panasonic recognizes Arrow’s commitment to their customer base and their ability to offer customers not only the latest Panasonic solutions and devices, but also an extensive support network.

Comprised of over 634 companies, Panasonic is one of the largest electronic product manufacturers in the world, and their diverse portfolio of solutions for consumer electronics, housing, automotive, and B to B technologies are highly valuable for engineers and designers looking to integrate top-quality products and devices into their builds.

Through their partnership with Panasonic, Arrow ensures these users are the first to hear about new Panasonic solutions, and they provide designers and engineers with access to these technologies. Arrow is also committed to offering comprehensive support to their customer base. Engineers can rely on Arrow whether they are just beginning to research a Panasonic product or they have already purchased a solution and are in the process of integrating it into their build.

Winning Panasonic’s EMEA Distributor of the Year award proves Arrow’s dedication to getting leading-edge Panasonic products into the hands of their customers, and designers can count on them for support at every step of the development process. Arrow is proud to have earned this recognition and strives to always be a valuable resource for those who are creating the innovative technology transforming our present and powering our future.

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