Qualcomm Acquires NXP for $47 Billion

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With the intent of contributing to and capitalizing on emerging trends in the Internet of Things, ADAS and autonomous vehicles, and the 5G revolution markets, Qualcomm, the world’s largest provider of mobile processors and wireless modems, has announced it will acquire NXP to the tune of $47 billion.

NXP, a Dutch-based company, has been turning its attention toward automotive and IoT solutions as of late, which in Qualcomm’s eyes, makes it ideal for the company’s purposes. Qualcomm, already a current leader in low-powered computing, connectivity, and communication systems, has expressed interest in exploring opportunities in the fields where NXP currently thrives.

This strategic move will likely make Qualcomm essential to companies that want to develop and manufacture smart technology, including smart cars and smart home devices and appliances, which we will no doubt see more of in the future. Qualcomm hopes that their decision to merge with NXP will basically require every manufacturer fabricated connected devices to rely on them in some shape or form, effectively turning Qualcomm into the elite semiconductor provider the company seeks to be.

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