Retailers Leverage Technology to Improve the Shopping Experience

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During the 2018 holiday season, U.S. retailers will sell billions of dollars in products – the bulk of their annual revenue. Last year, shopping malls made nearly a quarter of their yearly revenue in November and December alone. This year, shoppers will increase their spending by about four percent, according to the National Retail Federation.

It’s no surprise, then, that the holiday season is the perfect opportunity to win over consumers with an excellent customer experience. Keeping popular items well stocked, maintaining short checkout times, and providing a first-rate shopping environment are crucial to keeping customers happy. A subpar experience will have shoppers going to competitors and can cost millions of dollars.

To up their customer experience game, retailers are embracing technology. A major department store chain is getting rid of long checkout lines by enabling customers to scan products and check out via a mobile app. Another retailer has created a mobile treasure hunt that encourages shoppers to discover new products throughout the store. To entertain children while adults shop, one retailer has set up light displays featuring a 3D interactive Santa Claus, snowmen and reindeer.

Local governments and planning committees are leveraging technology to handle the holiday season as well. For example, light signals synchronized with cameras are helping to manage the flow of traffic and maximize parking spaces. Sensor technology is pinpointing areas of congestion, so shuttles can drive in and quickly transport shoppers to their destination.

Arrow works with organizations to enable these technologies and more. As one of the largest technology aggregators globally, Arrow can help solve business problems with complete solutions that cover every phase of the lifecycle, from building to management and support. Our technology expertise runs the gamut. From wireless sensors to network connectivity to software, Arrow and its vast network of partners can accelerate business outcomes and help organizations maintain a competitive edge. Learn more about how Arrow’s extensive technology network can produce results for your organization.

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