STMicroelectronics’ New STM32L: Ultra-Low Power ARM Cortex M4 Microcontroller

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STMicroelectronics’ newest addition to their microcontroller family is the ultra-low power STM32L Series. The series is based around the high-performance ARM Cortex-M4 CPU core with single-precision floating-point unit (FPU) for all data processing functions. With 32-bit resolution and a 120 MHz clocking frequency, the STM32L series are incredibly versatile MCUs with a wide variety of useful applications, with an emphasis on Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).

The STM32L series offers a wide selection of product options, each with its own useful features to best suit your system. Across every iteration of the STM32L is the ultra-low power operation that defines the series. Using STMicro’s proprietary FlexPowerControl, the STM32L chips have a miniscule 33 nA shutdown mode, with a maximum of 420 nA standby mode and a max run mode of 110 µA/MHz. The series’ bread and butter, the 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 has the previously mentioned FPU with up to 120 MHz operating frequency, as well as 2 MB of flash and 640 KB of SRAM. The series has CAN, I2C, SPI, UART, USART and USB interfacing options and an industrial (-40 to 85oC) operating temperature range.

The series offers six options for packaging. For ease of information, the numbers following the packaging letters are the chip’s ball count. The LQFP100 is 196 mm2 in footprint. The LQFP144 package is 200 mm2. Both the UFBGA132 and the UFBGA169 are 49 mm2. The UFBGA144 is 100 mm2. The WLCSP144 is only 27.5 mm2 in footprint.

The STM32L4R5QII6 is the base model of the series offered by Arrow. The chip has a UFBGA132 package with 110 I/O pins, 16 ADC channels and 364 mW of power dissipation.

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The STM32L4R5ZIT6 is the next step up, with the LGFP144 package and 115 I/O pins and 625 mW of dissipation. The STM32L4R5ZIY6TR is a slightly condensed version of the previous chip, with the same features, but a with WLCSP144 package and without the power dissipation.

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The STM32L4R7VIT6 has an LQFP100 package and only 83 I/O pins and 14 ADC channels, but an increased power dissipation of 476 mW.

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The STM32L4R9AII6 sports the UFBGA169 packaging and 131 I/O pins, 14 ADC channels and 385 mW of dissipation.

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STM32L4R9VIT6 has the least number of I/O pins of the series (77) on its LQFP100 package, 16 ADCs and no power dissipation.

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STM32L4R9ZIJ6 are the only member of the series with a UFBGA144 package with 112 I/Os, 16 ADCs and no power dissipation. The STM32L4R9ZIT6 has the same features as the above chip, but with an LQFP144 package and 625 mW of power dissipation.

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The STM32L4R9ZIY6TR is almost exactly the same as the STM32L4R5ZIY6TR, but with 115 I/O pins, instead of 112.

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Ultimately, the STM32L family of chips are ideal for any industrial applications that require a high-efficiency, ultra-low power microcontroller, especially any IIoT solution.

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