The CeraLink™ series has been extended with two low-profile (LP) types designed for a rated voltage of 900 V DC. The SMT capacitors have a capacitance of 0.25 µF and feature different terminations: the B58031I9254M062 type with L-style termination has dimensions of 10.84 mm x 7.85 mm x 4 mm, while the B58031U9254M062 with J-style termination measures only 7.14 mm x 7.85 mm x 4 mm.
These capacitors supplement the existing LP portfolio which until now has included types for 500 V DC (1 µF) and 700 V DC (0.5 µF). Thanks to their compact design and high permissible continuous operating temperature of 150 °C, all LP types can, for example, also be embedded directly into IGBT modules as snubber capacitors.
Another advantage of the CeraLink capacitors based on PLZT (lead lanthanum zirconate titanate) ceramic is their extremely low ESR and ESL values. For example, these components feature a minimum ESR value of 12 mΩ and an ESL value of just 2.5 nH. These capacitors are therefore well suited to converter topologies based on fast-switching semiconductors such as GaN or SiC. Voltage overshoots and ringing when switching are significantly lower than with conventional capacitor technologies. Another feature of the LP types is the high steady state ripple current of up to 11.4 ARMS.
If higher capacitances are required, CeraLink types with solder pin terminations are available. They are designed for rated voltages of 500 V or 700 V DC and offer capacitances of 20 µF (500 V DC) or 10 µF (700 V DC). The ESL value of these types is typically around 3.5 nH.
Main applications
-- Fast-switching converters
Main features and benefits
-- Types available with rated voltages of 500 V DC, 700 V DC and now also 900 V DC
-- Extremely low ESR and ESL