How to Onboard Multiple Radios to Your Qualcomm® QCA4020/4024 Development Kit

This onboarding demo of the Qualcomm QCA4020 shows end-to-end communication between the development kit and the mobile application.

The Qualcomm QCA4020 Development Kit is ideally suited for IoT applications and offers Wi-Fi, Bluetooth low energy (BLE), and 802.15.4 capable radios in a single-chip package. This onboarding demonstration shows end-to-end communication between the development kit and the mobile application. This video covers three different ways that the onboarding demo collects sensor information including standalone mode using the BLE connection, without cloud mode using the BLE and Zigbee connections, and with cloud mode using Zigbee, Thread, BLE and Wi-Fi connections. 
In addition to the basics of what the QCA4020 offers, this video features an unboxing of the actual development kit as well as what you will need before you can start turning things on. You will also see a walk-through of the Qualcomm developer network, including how to navigate the table of contents, the user’s guide, and the projects section. A step-by-step tutorial is also provided on how to build and flash the application on the development board. Last, the demo takes you through how to use the QCA onboarding mobile application. Watch this video to learn more about how to use the Qualcomm QCA4020 Development Kit for your next project. 

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