New Tactical-grade/Precision IMU Sensors from Analog Devices

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Analog Devices Inc. strives to be ahead of what’s possible by delivering high-quality products that disrupt their respective markets. Their newest inertial measurement units (IMUs) are designed to do just that. Offering tactical-grade and precision inertial sensor options, these new Analog Devices IMUs are efficient in regards to both performance and cost, and provide a simple alternative for six degrees-of-freedom inertial sensing for your automotive, aerospace, or other industrial system.


Analog Devices’ new tactical-grade IMUs are the ADIS16495/7 lines. Tactical-grade means that these high-performance sensors have a ±0.05o misalignment error between axes and a maximum ±0.25o misalignment error between the package and any axis. The ADIS16495/7 lines feature a triaxis accelerometer and gyroscope, which work in tandem with Analog Devices’ proprietary iMEMS® technology for optimal performance. The ADIS16495 line’s accelerometers have a ±8 g sensitivity range. The ADIS16497 line’s accelerometers have a ±40 g sensitivity range. Both lines’ gyroscopes offer ±125, ±450 and ±2000o/sec read options.


Analog Devices’ new miniature precision IMUs are the ADIS16475/7 lines. These high-performance sensors have a ±0.1o misalignment error between axes and a compact (11 x 15 x 11 mm) package. The ADIS16475/7 lines feature a triaxis accelerometer and gyroscope for inertial measurement. The ADIS16475 line’s accelerometers have a ±8 g sensitivity range. The ADIS16477 line’s accelerometers have a ±40 g sensitivity range Like the ADIS16495/7, both precision lines’ gyroscopes offer ±125, ±450 and ±2000o/sec read options.

Each member of the ADIS16475/7 lines also have an accompanying breakout board to assist in the integration of the IMUs into a pre-existing platform.

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For any motion sensor system, such as autonomous vehicles, navigation instruments, factory automation/robotics or even virtual reality devices, check out the new Analog Devices IMU sensors today.

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