Arrow's World of the Industry 4.0 Digital Event Agenda

Sign up for our World of the Industrial 4.0 Digital Event and register for any of the free Supplier Webinars. Also get more information on the newest trends and products AND FREE dev boards available.

On 1-2 Oct 2020 together with our best-in-class IIoT Partners we will be featuring live webinars around Industry 4.0: Industrial Automation, Smart Factory & Robotics, Condition-based Monitoring & Predictive Maintenance, Motion & Motor Control, Functional Safety, and much more. Have a look at the Agenda below and sign up for the webinars of your interest now!
During the event you will be able to chat or video-chat with the Experts from the Industry.

In addition, when attending the webinars, you will get a chance to apply for one of 1,000 FREE professional Industry 4.0 development boards - don't miss the opportunity and create your own Webinar Agenda today. And the best thing is, you can join from anywhere, your desktop or mobile device.

Not able to attend? Don't worry, the Webinars will be available on-demand up to 7 days after the event.



Thursday, October 1st 2020 

Time (CET) Webinar Presenter
09:00-09:30 CET Opening Keynote: Discover Arrow's World of Industry 4.0 Arrow Electronics
09:40-10:20 CET Supplier Keynote: Accelerating the Transition to Industry 4.0 with Industrial Ethernet Connectivity Analog Devices
10:30-11:00 CET ST Time-of-Flight Ranging Sensors in Industrial Applications STMicroelectronics
How the GigaSOM based on Apollo Lake and Cyclone 10 GX changes the future use of edge computing Exor
Industrial IoT – sensor devices for condition monitoring powered by Bosch Bosch
11:10-11:40 CET An introduction to functional safety from Analog Devices Analog Devices
Time Sensitive Networking for Industrial Automation Intel
Infineon as your one-stop shop for motor control and drives Infineon
11:50-12:20 CET HMI with Touch GFX STMicroelectronics
What makes the EXOR Embedded portfolio uniquely positioned to help your project Exor
13:20-14:00 CET Supplier Keynote: ST solutions for Industry 4.0 addressing the full chain from sensing to powering STMicroelectronics
14:10-14:40 CET 4Cs for 4th Industrial revolution Panasonic
USB-C Programmable Power Supplies Satisfy 5G Smartphone Fast Charging Demands ON Semiconductor
ST Sensor Solutions for Predictive Maintenance STMicroelectronics
14:50-15:20 CET Microchip etherCat solutions for industry 4.0 infrastructure Microchip
What can low power cellular technologies offer industrial applications? Arkessa
Robust Ethernet Physical Layer Solutions for Harsh Industrial Environments Analog Devices
15:30-16:00 CET The Evolving Edge Connectivity in Industry 4.0 and the Role of Memory Micron Technology
iCOMOX industrial End-to-End CBM solution Shiratech Solutions LTD

Friday, October 2nd 2020

Time Webinar Presenter
09:00-09:30 CET Arrow's World of Industry4.0 - Overview of Day I and Introduction to Day II Arrow
09:50-10:20 CET The value of flexibility in industrial control systems and how to achieve it for Industry 4.0 Analog Devices
How Infineon Microcontroller can support the needs of factory automation customers Infineon
10:30-11:00 CET Evolution to Industry 4.0 - how Intel solutions lead the transformation Intel
Reduce power conversion “size”&“cooling costs” with microBUCKµBRICK for Industrial Application Vishay
Toshiba Solutions for Industrial Ethernet TSN Interface Toshiba Semi
11:10-11:40 CET The difference a high functioning, low consumption nanoSOM based on STMP1 can make to your project Exor
Analog Devices Condition-Based-Monitoring: From Sensors to Machine Learning Analog Devices
Microchip FPGA & SOC solutions - Secure, reliable processing power solutions, throughout the network Microchip
11:50-12:20 CET Extensive sensor and timing device portfolio for Industrial IoT/Industry 4.0 Murata
How OPC UA with TSN will drive the merger of IT and OT in Industrial Automation Platforms Exor
ams presents its award-winning 1D Time of Flight sensor family for industrial applications ams
13:20-14:00 CET Supplier Keynote: The future of Functional Safety Analog Devices
14:10-14:40 CET iCOMOX smart CBM solution with AI on the EDGE Shiratech Solutions LTD
How transitioning technologies will redefine the future of systems & control infrastructure Molex
Fast Track IoT Devices to Production with Connectivity Modules Murata
14:50-15:20 CET Motor Control: Get the best performance from your motor with high voltage STSPIN32F0 STMicroelectronics
Memory & Storage Considerations for Artificial Intelligence in Factory Automation & Robotics Micron Technology
Bluetooth® Low Energy based Robust and Secure Asset Tracking Solutions ON Semiconductor
15:30-16:00 CET Security for general purpose Microcontroller in Industrial Market STMicroelectronics
Western Digital offers Storage solutions that increase the Efficiency for IIoT 4.0 revolutions Western Digital




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