CETECOM GmbH Product Highlights

CETECOM has the experience and skill to provide expert service in releasing your product to the market in an efficient manner.They support right from the start - in the conception and development phase of new technologies, products and applications; saving time and money.

CETECOM disposes of a worldwide network of accredited testing facilities, providing qualified testing services for products with wired transmission and mobile technologies. CETECOM works on a cross-sectoral basis, serving the most variable market segments.

Because of their qualified tests and established contacts to the responsible regulatory authorities in the international market, the certification, conformity assessment and approval services of CETECOM are highly valued worldwide.


  • Requirement engineering 
    CETECOM supports the engineering phase by setting and evolving the requirements of the product's future market
  • Product development
    Product development support, from the development idea up to the final product certification.
  • Design Support
    Support in the designing phase by means of product testing and analysing at a particular development stage or point in time, which has been preliminarily defined in accordance with the product developer.
  • Conformance consulting
    Detailed support as to the meaning and interpretation of standards and technical specifications.
  • Analyses and expert opinion
    On customer request CETECOM analyses complex technical cases in order to provide an expert opinion.
  • Interoperability test
    Besides regularly organized on-site interop-test-events (Plug-test/Cross-over-testing) CETECOM offers special interop tests which are conducted in our own state-of-the-art laboratories. Contact us for more information!
  • Type Approval handling for international market access
    In whatever country you wish to launch your product, CETECOM provides fast, innovative solutions to ensure that the products complies with required standards.
  • Conceptual support of certification and qualification schemes
    With our long-standing experience of product testing and safety CETECOM is a leading provider of certification and quality solutions to support newly developed private of officiel certification schemes.
  • Seminars and trainings
    CETECOM offers training sessions, seminars and workshops on various aspects of the approval procedures of communication technologies and renewable energies.

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