Create | Make | Manage: With Arrow at CES 2019

The 2019 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is set to take place January 8-11 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Arrow will once again have its booth set up at the world’s largest stage for technology innovation — right in the heart of Eureka Park.

At the booth, visitors will have access to Arrow and partner experts and resources to help them create, make and manage their technology.

Arrow engineers will be showcasing AI and IoT enabled demos from partners such as NVIDIA, Analog Devices and Silicon Labs. Visitors can chat with engineers to get help on their design challenges.

Ready to scale your production?

Manufacturing and supply chain experts will also be on-site to answer today’s biggest questions, including rapid prototyping, blockchain, edge computing, IT asset disposition and more. IoT and cloud connectivity experts will also be available to help explain how the company can help manage their product once it’s in market.

Finally, it is worth noting that Arrow’s global support organization and worldwide engineering services group will be available at the booth to help answer questions as it relates to completing productization, so as to allow today’s entrepreneurs the ability to spend greater focus on growing the business.

Opportunities abound at the Arrow booth

As with previous shows, Arrow will continue its tradition of encouraging innovation by giving away FREE Arduinos to booth visitors. While you’re there, meet leaders from startups and enterprises to get their advice and insights on bringing their product to market, or just check out their state-of-the-art technology.

Among those in attendance:

- Unlimited Tomorrow: Unlimited Tomorrow will demonstrate their 3D printed, ultralight, AI enhanced, high tech prosthetic arm. They have built an intuitive and scalable model for custom prosthetic devices that leverages 3D scanning, 3D printing and machine learning to achieve a better fit at a significant cost reduction.

- Waggit: Waggit will demonstrate the Waggit mobile application. The Waggit mobile app combines with the Waggit collar to showing real time info/data for the customer’s dog.

- Bare Conductive: BareConductive will demonstrate how their hardware, software and electric paint can combine to create an intelligent coating. They will show how a printed piece of paper with a small piece of attached hardware can detect the presence and movement of a human, inset or fluid up to one meter away.

- Modobag: The Modobag demonstration will highlight the functionality of their Smart Luggage System. The Modobag is the first carry on suitcase one can ride.

- Anyware: Anyware will demonstrate and discuss their existing and new Smart Living Services and how they link with Smart Adaptors and electrical home appliances. The Smart Living Services are based on the Anyware IoT product – the Anyware Smart Adaptor™.

And finally, Arrow will offer on-site engineering and IoT specialists who can speak with visitors about their greatest technology challenge, idea or problem to gather advice and learn what’s needed in order to enter the Arrow Certification program.

It’s all happening at CES 2019, only at the Arrow booth in the heart of Eureka Park.

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