Smart Retail - Sensor to Sunset™ Solutions from Arrow

IoT Solutions are Enabling the Retail Digital Customer Experience


IoT will soon be ubiquitous in Retail. The Retailer digital transformation is a must and it is being caused by competition, informed and digitally savvy consumers and new business models entering the market. The Retailer challenge is to continuously provide value, innovate and create a loyal and connected customer experience.  Retailers are recognizing how IoT through data collection and aggregation, advanced analytics are providing better insights into the overall customer journey. Insights that are significantly improving customer engagement, store operations and the unified commerce marketplace.

One of the key channels Retail is seeking to exploit is the consumer channel to the connected home experience. A market growing at 20% CAGR for the next five years. How does Retail seamlessly leverage this channel with an IoT approach that meets their strategic goals? Retail is experimenting to find the right combination of technologies that are future proof, can quickly scale and provide value. The Innovative Retailer is using technology to help differentiate and provide better visibility into the customer journey.        

A unified integration in Retail is needed across many disparate channels and point solutions involved with community, personalization, offline and online experiences, mobile, analog technologies and partner collaborations. Retailers are only using three percent of the data results from delivering and scaling their key transformation initiatives and many times have talent gaps in areas such as 1) business intelligence and 2) data analytics, where lack of knowledge base in digital marketing can be the differentiator.

Arrow guides its customers to find the right fit partner ecosystem typically comprising of device/sensor manufacturers, system integrators, original equipment manufacturers (OEM), software and analytics vendors and application developers to address Retailer’s top business challenges. 

Arrow’s proven expertise is in accelerating the Retailers digital transformation through IoT hardware, software, engineering services design and integration. IoT Retail solutions enable Retailers to see measurable success in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Security, Mobile, Cloud, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Voice and Vision.

Retail Themes

The Arrow Advantage: IoT Customers and Assets

Customers whether it be the OEM or Retail Store seeking innovative and disruptive product and service offerings within their marketplace consult Arrow for design, development and market ready solution deployments. Arrow has several documented successes in the areas of digital and technology transformation including leading Supermarket Chains, assisting with the customer in-store shopping experience and new methods for frictionless auto-check and self-serve payment solutions. At Hospitality and Recreation Venues, building new sensors and devices to auto detect unwanted rodents and trash collection pickup. At top OEM beverage company, monitoring temperature, flow and content mix along the manufacturing process to ensure quality. With Mall Entertainment Complexes, implementing connected parking garage visualization, auto payment systems to improve the shopping experience. And at Quick Service Restaurants for monitoring cold chain, tracking shipments and customer demographics.

Retail Intellegent Connected Store

As a leader in the aggregation of best in class solutions Arrow’s core focus is making the impossible possible. A retail digital transformation relationship with Arrow is about the finding the right technologies and processes to achieve the customers desired business outcomes.

Customer Success Achieving New Results and Improved Insights 

Grocery Store - Asset Tracking Solutions (Farm to Store), IoT Camera Solutions, Real-time Store Performance Metrics

Store Traffic Analytics 

Hospitality and Shopping Malls - Asset Tracking, Beacons, Location Based Services, Interactive Digital Directories, Video Analytics, Auto Parking Solutions and People Counting

Digital Signage Video Wall Network

Quick Service Restaurants – Industrial Cold Chain and Equipment Monitoring, Cloud-to-Mobile applications, and Wireless Connectivity for backup and fail-over with Artificial Data Analysis

Facial Recognition

The Retail Store Front – In-Store Video Management and Advanced Analytics, Portable and Secure PoS, Bespoke cloud applications, Location Based-Services

Sensors Tracking Assets



    Use automation and insights provided by IoT to improve and enhance the customer experience across channels.


    Grow your business by introducing new, differentiated IoT-powered products and services.


    Intelligent IoT-driven lighting and HVAC systems automatically adjust to usage and peak and off-peak energy pricing, reducing energy use, costs, and your environmental footprint.


    Reduce food loss and spoilage by monitoring temperatures and sending automatic alerts before food storage areas reach an unsafe temperature.


    Monitor and analyze data from equipment to service assets before they break, preventing the disruption of store operations or the customer experience.

Aktuelles über Elektronikkomponenten­

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