Intelligraphics Wi-Fi/BLE Communications Modules, Support and Services
Intelligraphics offers low cost, high quality Wi-Fi/BLE communications modules. What sets us apart is that we also offer end-to-end hardware and software design services along with unparalleled support. This allows us to not only offer standard support for our modules, but to support our customers with:
1) Device driver and firmware customizations
2) Hardware design services
3) Hardware design reviews - for customer’s that wish to make their own designs
4) Ports to other operating systems and/or kernels
5) Regulatory Domain Certifications (FAA, ETSI, etc.)
6) Device driver certifications (Wi-Fi Alliance, Windows HCK, CCX etc.)
7) Integration with the customer's platform and operating system
8) Long term maintenance, diagnosis, troubleshooting, support and addition of new features
9) Support for device bring-up
10) Thorough Wi-Fi testing (Wi-Fi Alliance, Windows HCK, CCX, Interop testing, etc.) so that our customer’s products have rock solid, dependable wireless communications

Intelligraphics has also developed many off the shelf solutions. Among them:
1) Advanced AI roaming algorithms that ensure that our customer’s devices always stay connected
2) Ports to other operating systems. Most Wi-Fi silicon companies now only offer Linux drivers. Intelligraphics develops off-the-shelf device drivers for other operating systems such as Windows 7/8/10, WEC7/2013, Android and a variety of RTOSes
3) Wi-Fi sniffer solutions with packet injection and numerous other advanced features
4) Support for performance improving Wi-Fi standards such as 802.11k, 802.11r, 802.11v, CCX, Voice Over Wi-Fi and CCKM

Intelligraphics is a charter member of the Qualcomm Authorized Design Center (ADC) program, a Cisco CCX Partner, and a Texas Instruments Third Party Development Partner.

Intelligraphics Inc Produktkategorien Produktauswahlhilfe

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