V5 Systems is an award-winning technology company that has created the world’s first true edge computing platform for the outdoors. V5 Systems’ has received multiple awards confirming their technology’s uniqueness and market relevance within both the Industrial IoT and security industries. Being recognized by industry leaders such as Dell, Intel, Nvidia, VMware and Axis Communications, has validated our solutions through these partnerships.

V5 Systems’ aim is to provide turnkey and smart security solutions, and systems that are self-powered. As well as providing artificial intelligence-driven code that is able to run analytics on the edge for real-time alerts.

Our objective is to continue to innovate and be the leader in developing technology for the Industrial IoT; while providing computing solution for IIoT industrial control, monitoring and data collection applications. Most importantly, we are customer-proven with thousands of units deployed in the field.

We are committed to delivering these products and services while always recognizing the importance of customers and partners by providing the highest level of enterprise support and customer service.

We care about creating a safer and smarter world, allowing you the ability to BE THERE for the things that matter most.

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