Arrow Electronics Releases Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report

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Arrow Electronics released its annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability Report, a recap of its 2016 philanthropic and environmental initiatives. The global technology company’s influential CSR programs aim to help people shape a better tomorrow by guiding innovation forward today.

CENTENNIAL, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Arrow Electronics, Inc. (NYSE: ARW) released its annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability Report, a recap of its 2016 philanthropic and environmental initiatives. The global technology company’s influential CSR programs aim to help people shape a better tomorrow by guiding innovation forward today.

In 2016, Arrow built on its existing CSR programs and established new ones to demonstrate how innovation with a human focus can improve lives and strengthen communities. Some highlights from the report:

The Arrow SAM car project broke societal barriers for people with physical disabilities by enabling quadriplegic former racecar driver Sam Schmidt to receive the first autonomous driver’s license in the U.S.

Arrow and its partner Close the Gap continued their collaboration on the Arrow DigiTruck in Africa. Through this project, Arrow helps transform used cargo containers into solar-powered mobile classrooms and clinics, bringing educational resources and global connectivity to rural areas of developing countries.

Underscoring its conviction that innovation can be taught, Arrow teamed with the Colorado Symphony to deliver theVery Young Composers Program, where students learn to innovate by composing music with the help of orchestra musicians.

“Arrow’s commitment to guiding innovation forward is changing lives, improving communities and advancing new frontiers in corporate social responsibility. Our CSR and sustainability programs show what’s possible when people think Five Years Out,” said Michael J. Long, Arrow’s president, chairman and chief executive officer.

Arrow’s dedicated CSR program provides support through technical expertise, employee volunteerism and partner resources, in addition to making financial contributions to organizations that share the company’s values and vision. Arrow evaluates the impact of its work with community partners through an engagement rating system.

“Arrow’s CSR program is based on transformational projects that tangibly demonstrate how technology can improve people’s lives,” said Joe Verrengia, global CSR director at Arrow. “We are grateful to our partners and employees around the world who share our vision for what these humanitarian and community programs can accomplish, and we look forward to helping them transform their ideas into real and influential achievements in 2017.”

About Arrow Electronics


Arrow Electronics is a global provider of products, services and solutions to industrial and commercial users of electronic components and enterprise computing solutions. Arrow serves as a supply channel partner for more than 125,000 original equipment manufacturers, contract manufacturers and commercial customers through a global network of more than 470 locations serving over 90 countries.

Download the complete 2016 Arrow CSR & Sustainability Report

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