All-Inclusive IoT Enabler Kit is the Result of Strong Collaboration between Arrow, Renesas, and Verizon

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Arrow Electronics has collaborated with Renesas Electronics Americas and Verizon to produce a powerful new IoT development kit: the Renesas Synergy™ S7G2 IoT Enabler Kit.

Developed as a complete end-to-end solution to help designers easily navigate the increasingly complex and challenging world of IoT design, the S7G2 IoT Enabler Kit is a complete development ecosystem anchored by the expertise and technologies of Arrow, Renesas, and Verizon.

The IoT Enabler Kit is anchored by the Renesas Synergy™ S7G2 ARM® Cortex®-M4-based MCU and is backed by the comprehensive Renesas Synergy™ Platform. Renesas Synergy™ offers developers a programming platform where detailed MCU functions, a complete RTOS-based integrated software framework, validated middleware, and integrated development tools can all be accessed under a single development umbrella, and entirely through the API.

Verizon brings their ubiquitous 4G LTE network to the table, as well as their ThingSpace open development platform. The S7G2 IoT Enabler Kit comes with out-of-the-box connection to the Verizon Cat 1 LTE network, providing developers with seamless and secure connection to accelerate innovation.

Arrow Electronics brings invaluable expertise to the collaboration as overseers of one of the most complex IoT ecosystems in the world. Arrow offers end-to-end IoT solutions and expertise, from reference designs and engineering help to a complete array of IoT hardware and sensors, all the way through data analytics and end-of-life asset retirement.

The S7G2 IoT Enabler Kit represents a conscientious effort on behalf of Arrow, Renesas and Verizon to reduce barriers to entry for IoT development and to foster innovation in the field by creating an environment in which engineers and entrepreneurs can quickly and easily move from the development stage through prototyping and production. In the spirit of continuing IoT education, the companies are hosting a technical seminar series from November 3rd, 2016 through March 1st, 2017 at locations in seventeen cities. Experts from Arrow, Renesas and Verizon will be on hand to provide training and hands-on labs covering different aspects of the kit, which is available for purchase through today.

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