AVX high-reliability solid tantalum capacitors

Solid tantalum capacitors are among the most popular types of small, surface-mount capacitors for electronic applications across the consumer, automotive, aerospace, and medical device markets. Learn more about the development of tantalum capacitor technology and explore common issues that AVX solid tantalum capacitors address

Solid tantalum capacitors offer infinitely useful lifetimes and unparalleled volumetric efficiency, making them a smart choice for high-reliability applications including military, aerospace, and medical devices. Improved manufacturing and testing technologies have enabled the successful employment of low-ESR MnO2 tantalum capacitors in aerospace platforms. In addition, dramatic improvements in capacitor efficiency and reliability, along with the incorporation of FDA-compliant change controls, have expanded the application of this technology across a broad range of both critical and non-critical medical applications.

In this deep dive from the experts at AVX, you can explore the history and construction of solid tantalum capacitors, as well as the innovative reliability of AVX capacitance solutions for mission critical military, aerospace and medical applications.

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