Arrow is launching the Natural Disaster Innovation Contest alongside the Call for Code 2019 Global Challenge to spark technology innovation for solutions that improve individual health and community well-being through better natural disaster preparedness, accelerated response and/or a greater capacity to recover.
We also encourage participants to apply for the Call for Code 2019 Global Challenge.
The Challenge
Examples of solution ideas include, but are not limited to:
• Identifying and aiding people with reduced or restricted mobility who require special assistance (disabled, hospitalized, elderly, confined).
• Using machine vision to assess the impact of a disaster and accelerate response, reducing time to build back better.
• Ensuring that stocks of insulin, antibiotics and other critical medicines requiring refrigeration remain cold despite loss of power.
• Employing sensors and analytics to predict the impact of disasters and educate communities on how to prepare for impending threats.
The contest deliverable is either (A) 2-3-page written solution proposal or (B) a short presentation in English in PDF format outlining your idea.
1st Prize $5,000 USD
Judging Criteria:
Reports and presentations will be judged based on the following criteria:
• Explanation of the solution, who and how it helps in a natural disaster and why the solution is being proposed.
• Technologies/future use of technologies and including the technical feasibility.
• Thoughtfulness and creativity of the solution.