Each year, approximately 300 million electric motors are installed globally. While motors are generally reliable, the fact that they're essential to many different industrial processes makes each of them a potential single point of failure. Fortunately, businesses spanning a wide range of industries now have access to condition-based monitoring (CbM). Thanks to advances in technology, CbM and PdM (Predictive Maintenance) are finding their way into a growing number of industrial sectors offering deeper insights into machine health.
iCOMOX stands for Intelligent Condition Monitoring Box and is an open embedded development platform for Condition-Based Monitoring (CBM) of industrial equipment, assets, and structures. iCOMOX silently and continuously monitors operating conditions from equipment surfaces to identify actual and potential faults using embedded intelligence based on the fusion of different sensing modalities – vibration, magnetic field, temperature, and sound. Sensor fusion can help to further improve the performance of embedded intelligence, as well as compensate for the low performance of individual sensors. As a result, it is able to detect and identify machine faults faster and more reliably.
The iCOMOX platform leverages an array of cutting-edge low power technologies from Analog Devices, such as the ADuCM4050 ARM Cortex M4 microcontroller unit (MCU) with integrated power management capabilities, the low noise ADXL356 3-axis accelerometer, and an ADXL362 accelerometer that operates as an ultra-low power, low-G wake-up trigger. Other key low-power components include the ADT7410 temperature sensor, a 3-axis magnetic sensor, and a MEMS microphone.
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Learn more on Condition/Based Monitoring
See how iCOMOX makes smart maintenance easy
Precision Signal Chain
A typical signal chain starts with a sensor followed by an interface amplifier, signal conditioning blocks, an ADC Driver, an ADC, and a digital processing engine. A common desire in the precision data acquisition market space is to improve the density of the signal chain while maintaining performance. As more applications are moving to an ADC-per-channel approach or trying to fit more channels into the same form factor, channel density is a great concern for many data acquisition signal chain designers. On top of this, there has been a trend to make precision circuitry easier to use and to more easily achieve datasheet performance. This provides an opportunity to build subsystems that address these concerns by implementing signal chains using system-in-package (SiP) technology.
A result of this subsystem strategy is the new ADAQ798x data acquisition products which are 16-bit analog-to-digital converter subsystems that integrate a high-accuracy, low-power, 16-bit SAR ADC; a low-power, high-bandwidth, high-input-impedance ADC driver; a low power, stable reference buffer; and an efficient power management block, all into an SiP design that supports a variety of applications. The device also contains the most critical passive components, eliminating many of the design challenges associated with traditional signal chains.
Ähnliches Produkt:
A2B – Automotive Audio Bus®
A2B is a high-bandwidth, bidirectional, digital audio bus. A2B is capable of transporting I2S/TDM/PDM data and I2C control information, along with clock and power, using a single, 2-wire UTP cable over distances up to 15 m between nodes and up to 40 m over the entire daisy chain. A2B can be used as its own network with embedded sub-networks, or as an endpoint transport bus used in combination with other, longer distance protocols.
Traditional implementations for high fidelity audio in automobiles required a large amount of expensive, heavy cabling. Analog Devices set about it a better way – initially with the AD2410 and most recently with the AD242x family of enhanced A2B transceivers. All A2B transceivers are capable of distributing audio and control data together with clock and power over a single, unshielded, low-cost twisted-pair wire.
A2B connects multiple remote sensors for different applications in a daisy chain sequence, significantly reducing redundant cabling runs. As a result, the weight of the cable harness is reduced dramatically, while overall design costs and complexity (in design, installation, and maintenance) are reduced due to the need for fewer cables. The A2B technology can also supply power to other devices in the daisy chain, eliminating the need for local power supplies and further reducing total system cost.
The simplicity A2B technology brings for power, audio, control and sensor data distribution goes beyond the automotive industry!
Every market segment can benefit from the advantages of A2B!
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3D Time of Flight
3D Time of Flight – or 3D ToF – is a type of scannerless LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology that uses high-power optical pulses in durations of nanoseconds to capture depth information (typically over short distances) from a scene of interest.
Analog Devices offers industry-leading products and solutions to directly enhance the capabilities of 3D ToF systems, including processing, laser drivers, and power management, along with development boards and software/firmware to aid in quick implementation of 3D ToF solutions. In addition, Analog Devices also offers modules from our design services partners