Robust, Versatile Power Over Ethernet from ON Semiconductor’s NCP1083

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As the Internet of Things (IoT) expands, Power over Ethernet Powered Devices (PoE PD) provide an effective way to combine interconnected devices with power. From ON Semiconductor, comes the robust NCP1083 PoE PD interface that doubles as a DC-DC converter controller with auxiliary power support. This incredibly versatile chip is designed to fit in to most any IoT system that demands medium to high power draws.

The NCP1083 is an exceptionally efficient way to incorporate PoE into your system. The chip’s DC-DC converter has a maximum duty cycle of 80% (Typ.), with programmable classification, inrush and operational currents limits to best suit your design’s need. To reduce total PCB componentry required, the NCP1083 also has an integrated rugged N-channel DMOS that serves as protection against the harshest of operating conditions with a -40 to 150 oC junction temperature range and includes cable ESD and hot swaps that may occur in industrial environments. The auxiliary power support acts to eliminate the need for other switching power supplies, and can allow your system to operate off batteries or AC power adapters with ease.

For any IoT or IIoT system, ON Semiconductor’s NCP1083 PoE controller is sure to give you effective power and connectivity, all while reducing the total cost of your board.

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