OPTIGA™ Trust X premium security for your IoT device

The OPTIGA™ Trust X offers simple, fast, and secure management of cryptographic keys and access rights for IoT devices. Discover more about this hardware-based premium security solution.

The IoT enables a whole new raft of business and service innovations. Along with these opportunities come new security threats, however. To capitalize in full on IoT opportunities, device manufacturers need strong, tamper-resistant protection. This degree of protection cannot be provided by software alone. Only hardware-based security enables simple, fast and fail-safe management of cryptographic keys and access rights.

OPTIGA™ Trust X was designed to meet the challenges facing manufacturers of IoT devices. It is a turnkey solution offering enhanced security for connected devices.

IoT security challenges

IoT devices connect people with services over massive multi-user networks, which are exposed to increasingly sophisticated security threats. These include theft of intellectual property and personal information, interruptions to business continuity and loss of brand image.

Many companies deploy extremely complex software architectures in an effort to protect private data and secret keys. However, these measures often prove ineffective. Software alone cannot safeguard data and cryptographic keys. Robust protection calls for hardware-based security using dedicated, highly tamper-resistant security subsystems. This is the only way to enable simple, fast and secure management of cryptographic keys and access rights – even in complex environments.

OPTIGA™ Trust X turnkey solution


Security solutions for IoT devices face a number of design and deployment challenges. They must support different technology platforms and low-performance microcontrollers, often optimized for just one application. In addition, they have to contend with limited operating system functionality, restricted space for hardware extensions, cost sensitivity and, in many cases, battery-powered devices demand power efficiency.

The OPTIGA™ Trust X was designed to resolve these challenges.

This hardware-based security solution is optimized for IoT devices. Building on more than 30 years of experience in security, OPTIGA™ Trust X was developed to reduce integration effort – making it ideal for customers who lack security expertise but nonetheless need fast time-to-market. It is a premium security solution offering high performance and low power consumption. This device supports non-rich operating systems and comes in compact packages.

Key security use cases

OPTIGA™ Trust X comes with a range of valuable ECC-based functionalities to support the most important security use cases in an IoT environment.
  • Authentication
  • Secured Communication
  • IP Protection
  • Power Management
  • Secured Updates
  • Platform Integrity
  • Brand Protection

Kick-start IoT security


Check out the benefits of OPTIGA™ Trust X and order the evaluation kit now.

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