PSoC™ 4100S Max MCU for HMI

Flexible, easy-to-use, fully-integrated and programmable MCU with industry-leading CAPSENSE™ enabled.

PSoC™ 4100S Max

Designing for human machine interface (HMI) applications just got easier with Infineon's newly announced PSoC™ 4100S Max family of microcontrollers based on Arm® Cortex®-M0+ CPU. Ideal for industrial automation, consumer, smart home and home automation, and large home appliances including robotics, washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, smart thermostats, and printers, the PSoC™ 4100S Max paired with CAPSENSE™ touch-sensing technology blocks offer HMI and touch sensing solutions for differentiated design.


  • 32-bit MCU Subsystem with 48-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ CPU with a DMA controller, 384KB flash and 32KB SRAM, External MHz oscillator, and CRYPTO block
  • Programmable Analog Blocks including: ADC; configurable op-amps; low-power comparators; Multi-Sense Converter (MSC) blocks with next-generation CAPSENSE™ technology
  • Programmable Digital Blocks including TCPWM, Serial Communication, Segment LCD, and I2S channels
  • One CAN-FD Controller Package
  • I/O Subsystem


  • Smart Home - Thermostat, Vacuum Cleaner, Smart Locks, etc.
    • Touchscreen up to 10” and slider up to 30cm.
    • Situational awareness from directional proximity sensing.
    • Large memory integration, I2S and cryptography support.
  • Home Appliance - Dishwasher, Fridge, Microwave
    • Support large touch panel with self and mutual and liquid tolerance.
    • Complete HMI interface with least CPU bandwidth, allowing more CPU bandwidth for system controls.
  • Smart Building - Elevator, Control button, Access Control, etc.
    • Proximity wake-on approach, reliable mechanical button replacement.
    • CAN-FD, Extended Industrial Temperature, and large number of GPIO.
  • Industrial Automation - Industrial Robotis, Sensor Solutions, Motor Control
    • Complex large touch panel with self and mutual and liquid tolerance
    • CAN-FD, Extended Industrial Temperature, PCB friendly packages.
    • Cryptography support for encrypted communications.
  • Consumer - 3D printer, printer, Notebook
    • Touchscreen with hover and gesture control for a touchless surface.
    • Material detection from CAPSENSE™ and integrated analog.

CAPSENSE™ Technology Delivers Leading Performance

Suitable for complex touch HMI interfaces, the PSoC™ 4100S Max with 5th generation CAPSENSE™ MSC (Multi-Sense Converter) block provides the following improvements over previous generation capacitive sensing blocks:

  • Improved SNR based on the all new ratio-metric analog architecture and advanced hardware filtering to enable modern sleek user interface solutions with superior liquid tolerance, and robust and reliable touch HMI solution for harsh environments.
  • Higher sensitivity to support smaller sensors, higher proximity detection range, and a much wider range of overlay thicknesses and materials.
  • Autonomous channel sequencing (that is, CPU independent) and scanning for low power optimization.
  • Improved shield drive method and support for wide range of shield electrode capacitance values for superior liquid tolerance.
  • Higher sensor capacitance range to support easier layout and wider variety of sensors.
  • Improved EMI performance
  • The MSC block API is backwards compatible with the CSD block to preserve code compatibility. A driver is provided for the CAPSENSE™ block to make it very easy for the user to use. Shield drive for water tolerance is provided.
  • The CAPSENSE™ blocks provide both self and mutual capacitance sensing. Shield drive can be either Active (with an Op Amp) or passive (less power, for shield loads less than 20 pF).

PSoC™ 4100S Max Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-041S-MAX)

Featuring the PSoC™ 4100S Max MCU, the CY8CKIT-041S-MAX is a low-cost hardware platform that enables design and debug of the PSoC™ 4100S Max device. Onboard components include: 48-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ core, 384KB of Flash, 32KB of SRAM, programmable analog blocks including a 12-bit SAR ADC, programmable digital blocks, cryptography accelerators, a CAN-FD interface, and 84 GPIOs.

The PSoC™ 4100S Max pioneer kit also comes complete with Infineon's industry-leading CAPSENSE™ technology with onboard capacitive sensing interfaces including buttons, slider, touchpad, and proximity sensor.

ModusToolbox™ Software

ModusToolbox™ software provides both development tools and run-time software for a flexible and comprehensive development experience.

The ModusToolbox™ tools package includes desktop programs that enable the creation of new embedded applications, managing software components, configuring device peripherals and middleware, and embedded development tools for compiling, programming, and debugging.

The ModusToolbox™ run-time software includes an extensive collection of GitHub-hosted repositories comprised of code examples, board support packages, middleware, and application support.

Get Started Now

Getting started with the new PSoC™ 4100S Max is easy.

  1. Purchase a PSoC™ 4100S Max Eval Kit (CY8CKIT-041S-MAX)
  2. Download ModusToolbox™
  3. Learn more by:

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