Single-pair ethernet technology from HARTING

Single-Pair Ethernet (SPE) technology will be transformative to the industrial IT industry. With its new SPE solutions, HARTING can help modernize production operations.

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As SPE technology utilizes only one pair of cooper wires, the weight of the raw cable is significantly reduced

SPE accomplishes ethernet communications across just two lines, vs. the more typical four or eight, while at the same time also incorporating Power Over Data Line (PODL) capability. PODL technology allows devices to be powered by the ethernet cable itself, vs. having a separate connection to a building’s electrical system.

Watch this video for an overview of SPE technology.

Benefits of Single-Pair Ethernet

  •  Since there is no longer a need for separate power supplies when using SPE technology, connected devices can be less complex and have fewer wired connections.
  •  Plant set-up becomes significantly simpler because there’s no longer a need to run an independent network of power supply cables.
  •  Traditionally, devices may have communicated via Fieldbus protocols. With SPE technology though, all devices on a production floor can be a part of the same IP-based network. This enables efficient peer-to-peer communication, open-loop feedback of all devices, and smart control throughout the entire system.

Advantages of Single-Pair Ethernet

  •  Transmission speeds from 10Mbit/s to 1GBit/s
  •  Simplified cabling saves space and weight
  •  Stable power supply and better reliability of terminal devices through PoDL
  •  Transmission ranges of up to 1000 meters
  •  Replaces analog interfaces, bus systems, and other proprietary field level systems
  •  Ethernet allows continuous communication from the control computer to the sensor
  •  Reduced complexity of automation networks

Get more technical details about SPE from this HARTING whitepaper.

Download Whitepaper

5 Industrial Needs that Single-Pair Ethernet Addresses

SPE offers a comprehensive list of benefits for communication in industrial environments. While other communication protocols may address one or two of these needs, it is the combined benefits offered by SPE that make it the future of industrial communications.

1)  Unified, standardized communication protocol for ease of IT integration
2)  Lightweight, compact and cost-effective ethernet for every connected device on an industrial network
3)  High-speed bandwidth and modern security for today’s real-time applications
4)  Simplification of design, purchasing, and installation
5)  Compatible with current and future network infrastructure

In this article, find out more about how SPE technology helps meet industrial demands.

Learn More

Single Pair Ethernet cable promises to supercharge Industry 4.0. It’s poised to take off as a transformative technology for unlocking the full potential of the digital revolution in industrial applications.

Read Full Article  Download eBook

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