Solar Energy is a Perpetual Source of Household Power Supply

Power generation by solar panels installed at home is not a new idea, but most families use solar photovoltaic system tends to be oversized with a higher cost for installation and maintenance. There is also the problem for the storage of surplus energy being generated. These remained the obstacles for the successful promotion of this system. Yet the advancement of technology that helps to tackle these problems allows for the prevailing use of power generation by solar panels installed at home.

Storage of the surplus energy generated during daytime for nighttime consumption

In the past, the conventional mode of power generation by a photovoltaic system in household environment entailed the high cost of installation and a long time to break even, which refrained households from adopting the system. However, the advancement of technology helps to remove all obstacles and attracts the attention of many people to use the photovoltaic system for power generation.

The Powerwall unveiled by Tesla is a type of photovoltaic power generation system for household use. This system consists of solar panels or during a low rate of electricity billing for charging and stored for nighttime consumption. This system is automatic and simple in design for easy assembly and can optimize the use of solar energy. Powerwall of Tesla is a household use photovoltaic power generation system allows for the use of solar energy generated from solar panels for power supply to its entirety and is a solution for a variety of backup power supply. Powerwall can store the energy collected by the solar panels during daytime for nightly household consumption. This design helps to compensate for the imbalance of low demand for power supply during daylight hours (daytime) and high demand for power supply at peak hours (nighttime) and allows the household to use solar energy at any time. 

Users may combine a photovoltaic cell with one or more Powerwall storage cells for household use of power supply and do not rely on the public power grid. Users who use self-generated electricity no longer have to rely on the power supply from the public power grid, but the electric power generated by household device still needs to be linked to the public power grid for consumption during peak hours. In case of accidental power failure, Powerwall can provide uninterrupted power supply for the family or for specific appliances and can supply electric power for the households by connecting to the source of supply from solar energy when the power grid cuts off the power supply.

The household use photovoltaic cell available in the market is big in size and costly in installation and maintenance. The lithium battery of the Powerwall is a demonstration of the well-developed technology of Tesla in electric car battery making, which is safer and more economical, easy to install, fully automatic in running, and maintenance free. A regular piece of Powerwall system includes a solar photovoltaic panel, inverter (inversion from DC to AC), gauge (measurement of power capacity), and a second circuit as the backup for the main power supply. A variety of components could be chosen for assembly depending on the diversity of needs for household power consumption requirements.

The entire solar energy power generation system includes solar panel, Powerwall household use battery, inverter, distribution panel, backup distribution panel and switch. During daytime where sunlight is ample, the solar panels will convert the photovoltaic energy into electric energy for charging the Powerwall and power supply for household use. During nighttime when there is no sunlight, Powerwall can strategically adjust the path for power consumption, which helps to cut down the fee for power consumption billed at different rates for different time slots.

The Powerwall household use battery can be charged by the power supply from the solar panel and from the public power grid. The inverter converts the DC current collected from the solar panel, power grid, and Powerwall to AC current for the household lighting system and appliances. A compatible inverter must be installed simultaneously with the Powerwall. For optimizing the utilization rate of solar energy, a measurement gauge has to be installed as well for measuring the power capacity from the conversion of the solar panel to household consumption. The inverter transmits the power supply to the household panel for supply electric power to the household. If there is no solar equipment or no lighting during nighttime, the household electric panel will transmit the power from public power grid to the inverter for charging the Powerwall.

Household wishing to install a backup power supply circuit for important appliances and sockets may install a backup electric panel and switch. In the event of power interruption, the power switch will automatically activate the backup panel. If solar energy equipment is also installed, this switch will help to ensure running when a blackout occurs. The backup equipment can guarantee the optimal use of solar energy to cut down the bills for electricity supply. Installation is fully discrete to meet individual needs.

One Powerwall has a storage capacity of 6.4kWh. The solar energy collected during daytime can adequately supply the household for nighttime consumption. Households of high capacity power consumption may install a number of cells. It can also be matched with wall-mounted rechargeable lithium cells controlled by liquid state thermometer for repeated daily consumption. The warranty covers a period of 10 years. It is equipped with a high performance of 92.5% DC charging and release conversion rate and at the voltage of 3.3kW. The release depth can be up to 100% at the voltage of 350-450V at the current of 9.5A, and is fully compatible with single-/three-phase power supply, conforming to the UL NRTL standard.

The battery management system built in the Powerwall household use battery can effectively manage the charging and release of electricity in the cell, which contributes to its high conversion rate for charging and release of electricity and the long lifespan of the cell. It is certain that the launch of this system can help to accelerate the prevailing use of solar panel power generation system for household use. 

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