“WOOFAA Dog” Air Quality Monitor Feeding You with Real-Time Data on Air Quality

In the wake of rapid industrialization, many countries and regions fall prey to air pollution. There is no escaping from polluted air even when you stay indoors. Tracking air quality coupled with activation of an air purifying system is key to improving the air quality around you.

Translate Air Quality Data into Meaningful Information

People around the world suffer from air pollution and smog these days. There are many reasons for the poor air quality. Some are natural (such as sand storms) while others are caused by human factors (factories, vehicles, coal). These pollutants will be carried everywhere by air currents. As such, regions thousands of kilometers away from the sources of pollution are also affected by pollutants. As a result, the improvement of air quality emerges as an issue that all countries of the world are bound to tackle with.

While national policies strive to improve air quality but it takes time. Meanwhile, families and companies may take individual action to improve the quality of air indoors. The “WOOFAA Dog” (WFA930Z) unveiled by WOOFAA Company Limited is an Indoor Air Quality Monitor (IAQ Monitor) that can track, control and analyze ambient air quality in real-time and it is highly effective for commercial purposes and public health.

Currently, there are different international standards and regulations requiring enterprises to monitor indoor air quality in order to maintain a healthy and safe work environment for employees. This is when monitoring of air quality becomes important. “WOOFAA Dog” is an effective tool to help enterprises accurately monitor changes in indoor air quality in real-time.

In the domain of public health, government and research institutions also need IAQ monitors to collect data on air quality. Through the collection of Big Data, they can find out the effect of air quality on public health in the long run. Different from other products of the same kind, “WOOFAA Dog” offers annual calibration of the product to ensure that data collected stay within the set margin of error and remain reliable. In addition, when the IAQ monitors are coupled with the new Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS), air quality can be improved substantially, making it an important application in the market.

Conventional carbon dioxide sensors cannot detect changes in air quality caused by odors, cigarette smoke, mold and other air pollutants generated from daily indoor life. “WOOFAA Dog” can function independently or as an integral part of a sensor grid connecting to a wireless system for the monitoring, control and analysis of data on ambient air quality. The display panel is designed for easy installation and convenient control. It can be mounted on a wall or placed on a desktop. It is equipped with a rechargeable battery for portable use on the site up to several hours.

“WOOFAA Dog” features an LCD screen with optional choices of colors, and is capable of measuring real-time data under independent operation mode for 24 hours. It can measure and display a number of air quality parameters, such as air temperature, relative humidity, particulate matter (in sizes of PM0.3, PM0.5, PM1, PM2.5, PM5 and PM10), carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, and VOCs, and translate the air quality into understandable data.

“WOOFAA Dog” can be easily paired with ventilation systems in compliance with the ANSI/ASHRAE 62.1 and the 90.1 standards, or control the On/Off mode of other air purifiers. The function of the control logic is highly flexible in managing matrix mapping, which means that users may map the parameters obtained from various forms of measurements to any set of air purifier of the system for control. In addition, the function of controlling the scene and event could be applicable to a desktop computer or portable device to access and manage the performance.

Furthermore, the system can exchange data with third-party systems through the RS485 or RJ45 connectors in the format of open data. All sensors can be adjusted annually. Through electronic calibration or validation with a K coefficient conducted by professional calibration institutions, arithmetic adjustment of the output value can be accomplished.

A set of connected “WOOFAA Dog” monitors can form a sensor grid. The data collected by these sensors can be transmitted to an IoT data gateway for upstream collection. Both family use and industrial-grade data gateway hardware can be paired with the sensors used in a project to ensure the data flows between the two ends can be managed effectively.

If the product is installed as a sensor grid, the stable wireless Zigbee grid topology has been proven highly reliable and can be self-protected from failure because each Zigbee device of the grid has the functions of self-detecting and self-repair of damaged data in the transmission route. All you have to do is to add another Zigbee gateway, ZBOT, to transform a number of devices to a device set and achieve remote monitoring and control from your mobile phone. You really do not need any wire connection.

The IoT data gateway allows for data conversion, adjustment, exchange, and failure management. It features a usable open data format API hub and can be customized on the basis of project data and has several ports: USB, RS485, and RJ45. In addition, it can be connected to a third-party device or system. All data collected by sensors can be sent to the cloud or any local server for analysis. Through connection to the control functions of other devices, it can form a monitoring and control network. To do so, you just have to add a ZBDMC server to automatically activate the ventilation fan, air purifier or air conditioner on your network according to the level of pollution without spending time or effort to activate these devices.

In our highly industrialized societies, solutions to reduce air pollution at source are still far away. Yet, in the meantime, lucrative business opportunities to mitigate air pollution in people’s immediate environments deserve the attention and action of manufacturers with application-developing capabilities.

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