Seminar: Precision data conversion, power management & industrial ethernet

Precision Data Conversion, Power Management and Industrial Ethernet Design Seminar

ADI’s Precision Signal Chains enable faster design of optimized high-precision data converter applications, and our Power Management Solutions ensure the performance and efficiency needed for each unique application.

This in-person technical seminar will feature an in-depth discussion and demonstration of the tools, collateral and breakthrough devices from ADI that enable engineers to easily match their specific requirements to the best technology combinations. Attendees will learn how to identify and solve key precision design challenges scenarios commonly found in a range of application areas such as industrial, instrumentation and digital healthcare, where accuracy of sensor measurement and actuator control is critical. The seminar will also focus on ADI’s LTSpice simulation tool, providing you with the tools to accelerate both your precision & power development processes. We will also cover enabling Ethernet to the field with 10baseT1-L.


Precision Data Conversion

  • Precision Signal Chain Platforms
    • Key design challenges and engineering trade-offs commonly found in high-precision data converter applications
    • Complete signal chains from ADI optimized for key parameters such as bandwidth, size, density, latency, and more
    • Tools and collateral that speed up the selection, evaluation, and design across the complete signal chain
    • Using LTspice to tailor ADI’s signal chain platforms for specific applications
    • Overview of the latest portfolio of ADCs, DACs, amplifiers, switches, multiplexers, voltage references and isolators
    • The importance of effective power management design

Power Management

  • Input power
    • System approach
    • Input sources – battery, line, both
    • Protection, power path, conversion
    • Intermediate conversion
  • Precision signal chain power
    • System approach
    • Low noise power, ultra-low noise LDOs
  • Simulation tools
    • LT Power CAD Power Planner and LT Spice
    • L-Maxim EE Sim

Industrial Ethernet

  • Enabling Ethernet to the field with 10BaseT-1L
  • RapID Platform Gen 2 Network Interface

Demos and discussion (including lunch)


Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Burlington Marriott Boston
One Burlington Mall Road
Burlington, MA 01803

Daily Schedule

  • Check-in, coffee: 8:30am
  • Seminar: 9:00am to 12:30pm
  • Lunch and demos: 12:30 to 2:00pm


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