Sensor Interface Design Challenges in Precision Measurement Systems

Analog Devices provides solutions that connect the physical world to the digital world, where analog-to-digital conversion takes place. Learn from the experts about the challenges involved in selecting the appropriate sensor and measurement solutions for your application and how to overcome the design challenges involved in measuring physical phenomena such as temperature, current, and vibration with unprecedented resolution and accuracy.

What you will learn about in this webinar:

Topic #1: Vibration Analysis
- Vibration in condition-based monitoring
- Sensor Technology
- System architecture
- ADI measurement signal chain solutions
Topic #2: Current Measurement Challenges & Solutions
- fA Level Measurement Challenges and Solutions
- uA to A Measurement Challenges and Solutions
Topic #3: Physical Sensor Interface Challenges and Solutions
- Environmental Sensor Introduction
- Challenges in the Real World (e.g. Parasitics, biasing, lead resistance, self-heating etc)
- Solutions: Excitation Current Reversal, Filtering, Innovative Kelvin Modes


Ren, Naiqian
Application Engineer, Analog Devices

Ren, Naiqian is an application engineer in the precision converter technology (PCT) group, specialized in precision data acquisition core technology and signal chain development. Ren joined ADI in 2007 and has a BEng in Electrical Engineering from the Dublin City University and a MEng in VLSI Systems from the University of Limerick.

Daniel Zaleski
Product Applications Engineer, Analog Devices

Daniel Zaleski is a Product Applications Engineer at Analog Devices in the Precision Technology and Platforms business unit and has worked in the Linear Products and Solutions subgroup since 2015. Dan is primarily responsible for the shunt-based current sense amplifier portfolio as well as other precision amplifiers. Dan earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical and computer engineering and a bachelor’s degree in robotics engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 2015. He is a member of the Blue Hills Regional Technical School’s Electronics Department Advisory Board. When not working, he enjoys playing disc golf and competes professionally in disc golf tournaments around the country.

Mary McCarthy
Applications Engineer, Analog Devices

Mary is an applications engineer, focusing on precision sigma delta analog to digital converters.She has a bachelors degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering for University college cork, Ireland.

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