An Intro to the SiTime Time Machine 2 Programmer

This informative video from SiTime explores how the Time Machine 2 programmer kit can save you time and energy in searching and waiting for oscillators, how to address EMI issues, and how to program your oscillators in three simple steps.

Hi, Brett Hanebrink here to talk to you about the Time Machine II programmer from SiTime.

The Time Machine II is a complete programmer kit that provides instant oscillator samples in any frequency, voltage, stability, and package. You no longer need to waste time searching and waiting for oscillators. The Time Machine II allows you to easily configure SiTime's always-in-stock field programmable devices to your exact specifications and create drop in replacements for legacy quartz oscillators within seconds.

Time Machine II allows you to program oscillators with a wide range of parameters as shown in the top table. Additionally, SiTime's field programmable oscillators are available with a range of operational temperatures, package sizes, and output options. Armed with the Time Machine II and blank field programmable parts, you can address system level EMI issues in two ways depending on the source of the EMI, be it from the clock trace or the SoC being clocked.
If noises generated from the clock trace that drives digital logic, a fast clock edge may radiate EMI energy. The Time Machine II can be used to program lower drive strength which in turn slows the rise/fall time and reduces EMI radiation at higher harmonics. Rise/fall times in the range of 0.25 nanoseconds to 45 nanoseconds can be achieved by selecting and programming the applicable drive strength.

You can view the table on our datasheet for more details. A second source of EMI may be the clock generator within a digital system on chip or SoC. Using a spread-spectrum clock reference for the SoC will help reduce the EMI energy radiated from the SoC clock generator. SiTime offers programmable spread clocks with center spread range from ±0.25% to ±1% or down spread
from -0.5% to -0.2%.

Okay, now you know a little bit about why you want to use a SiTime programmer. Let's take a look at the three easy steps that will allow you to program your first devices once you have installed the software. First, simply mount a field programmable oscillator into the programmer. Next, specify your desired configuration, and click OK.

This screenshot shows the Time Machine II GUI that allows you to select from a wide range of parameters. Lastly, click the Program button and the part is instantly programmed to your specifications. It is that easy.

In summary, the Time Machine II can quickly and easily program any frequency, stability, voltage, and package to configure instant oscillators to your exact specification. Parts can also be programmed to drive strength or spread-spectrum devices to reduce EMI and solve electromagnetic noise issues without any changes to the PCB layout.

I hope you've enjoyed this product training module.

Thank you for watching.

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