Arrow Certification Program 2021 Hardware Bootcamp Recap

Recording of Indiegogo and Arrow's Hardware Startup Bootcamp on October 19, 2021. Includes Crowdfunding 101 and special sessions on manufacturing and prototyping with Arrow and Analog Devices.

Are you an entrepreneur building a tech product? Then don’t miss the recording of this online bootcamp designed for innovators like you.

Get expert guidance on every stage of the entrepreneur journey and learn how to tackle some of the biggest challenges facing tech entrepreneurs today, from concept to prototype to launch. Includes discussions highlighting the fundamentals of crowdfunding, hardware design, and manufacturing. 


Event Summary

- Welcome and Arrow Certification Program Overview
- Crowdfunding 101 with Adeeti Goswami, Indiegogo
- Manufacturing 101 with Sean Nelan, Arrow Electronics 
- Prototyping 101 with Kristof Feja and Brandon Bushey, Analog Devices
- Pitch Competition & Winner Announcement!

Speaker Bios:

Sean Nelan
Asset Management Director, Arrow Electronics
Sean is the Director of Asset, Pricing, and Supplier Relationships for Arrow Digital.  He has over 13 years’ experience at Arrow; spending time as a Director of Marketing, leading the Arrow Supply Assurance Team, Director of Asset and Pricing, Supplier Manager, Technology Business Manager, and Technology Product Manager.  Sean has 20+ years of experience working in electronics and manufacturing industries, where he has held roles Directing Supplier Relationships, Operations, Procurement, Pricing, Planning, Inspection, Logistics, and Warehousing. Sean graduated with a Master’s degree focused in Change Management from University of Colorado Denver, and a degree in Supply Chain Management from Arizona State University.

Kristóf Féja
Market Development Engineer, Arrow Electronics
Kristóf is a Market Development Engineer from Arrow Electronics and holds a BSc in Electrical Engineering from Óbuda University, Budapest. He has been with Arrow for 7 years, starting as an Application Engineer, and at the beginning of 2020, he shifted to the Market Development Engineer role, being focused on Analog Devices’ portfolio.

Brandon Bushey
Systems Engineer, Analog Devices
Brandon is a systems engineer from Analog Devices and holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He been with Analog Devices for 16 years, serving in several different technical job functions.   He has been working on sensor and precision-based applications and system designs for the past 10 years within the Systems Development Group.  He is responsible for the Circuits from the Lab Reference Designs program and manages a remote engineering team based in the Philippines.

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