Gear Up With the Right MOSFET from Infineon

Modern electronic devices are more demanding than ever on their components. The desire for smaller envelope sizes and higher levels of power output have made the process of choosing the MOSFETs ever more difficult. Infineon’s SS08 MOSFETs have been designed to meet the needs of stringent product designers, both now and in the future.

In a 48V system, the required MOSFETs are usually in the 80V-100V range. When selecting MOSFETs, it’s important to select one with a higher current rating than the peak expected application voltage. However, manufacturers have different ways of arriving at these current ratings. Sometimes, manufacturers rate MOSFETs based on their highest current capacity during ideal heat sink conditions, which can leave very little performance safety margin.

Other things to consider are the device package limitations. One factor is the current-carrying capacity of a device’s interconnects. Another is the thermal resistance of epoxy molding compounds in silicon-encapsulated transistors. When selecting a MOSFET for your application, it’s important to consider these factors to gauge how it will function as part of a larger system.

As today’s electronic devices continually get smaller in size, the size of the included MOSFETs shrinks as well. To maintain performance, design changes have been made recently. New “leadless” packaging utilizes copper clip bonding technology, vs. the older style of “leaded” packaging which relied on bonded wires. In this transformative new design, a copper bridge is attached to the top of the chip, replacing multiple copper wires. In the SS08 package from Infineon, for example, the included copper clips are capable of higher current carrying and heat-dissipating capacity, as compared to a similarly sized leaded package.

The Electromigration Effect has become an increasing concern recently, as well. In short, it occurs when the momentum of moving electrons is transferred to a nearby atom. This can cause poor joints and voids in the soldering of a MOSFET package, reducing the ability to dissipate heat and causing reliability issues. In the new fused-lead SS08 packages from Infineon, there is a vastly increased soldering area as compared to other options on the market, leading to higher performance and reliability.

Selecting the right MOSFET is a key consideration when developing a high-performing and reliable system. With recent innovative developments and a focus on precisely rating the current carrying capacity of MOSFETs, Infineon is your key development partner.

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