The OpenScope MZ in an incredible piece of hardware that can turn a computer into an oscilloscope, waveform generator, logic analyzer, power supply or data logger when paired with the Waveforms Live software. With a set price under $100, this all-in-one instrumentation device is powered by the PIC32MZ microcontroller, one of the highest performing microcontrollers on the market.
The OpenScope MZ, the latest from Diligent, is a completely open-course USB/Wifi Oscilloscope with a Locic Analyzer and Waveform Generator. Powered by the incredibly dynamic PIC32 MZ microcontroller, the OpenScope MZ features 2 scope channels with 12 bits at 2 MHz bandwidth, 10 user programmable pins at 25 MHz update rates, 1 function generator at 1 MHz bandwidth at 10 MS/s update rate, and can be either USB bus powered or externally powered. When paired with the free WaveForms Live software, the OpenScope MZ allows users to acquire, analyze, visualize, and control signals from electronic devices.