Trust Platform for the Microchip CryptoAuthentication™ Family

For deployments of as few as ten units, up to many thousands of devices, Microchip’s Trust Platform is a cost-effective and flexible solution for onboarding secure elements in your design and accelerating your product’s time to market.

The Trust Platform from Microchip is composed of a family of pre-provisioned, pre-configured, or fully customizable secure elements. Credentials are generated inside each secure element’s boundary by leveraging our Hardware Secure Modules (HSMs) that are installed in our factories.

The devices also come with hardware and software development tools to make prototyping easy and to fast track your development. Watch this video to learn about the Trust Platform’s three tiers of secure elements—Trust&GO, TrustFLEX and TrustCUSTOM—that can provide you with the options and flexibility you need to meet the requirements of your company’s security model.


 Trust & Go      ATECC608A-TNGTLSS-B      Trust & Go TLS, Provisioned Proto Typing, 8-SOIC, I2C (10 bulk)   
     ATECC608A-TNGTLSU-B      Trust & Go TLS, Provisioned Proto Typing, 8-UDFN, I2C (10 bulk)  
     ATECC608A-TNGTLSS-C    Trust & Go TLS, Provisioned, 8-SOIC, I2C (100 unit multiple) 
     ATECC608A-TNGTLSS-G    Trust & Go TLS, Provisioned, 8-SOIC, I2C 2K multiple 
     ATECC608A-TNGTLSU-C    Trust & Go TLS, Provisioned, 8-UDFN, I2C (100 unit multiple) 
     ATECC608A-TNGTLSU-G    Trust & Go TLS, Provisioned, 8-UDFN, I2C 2K multiple 

 TrustFlex         ATECC608A-TFLXTLSS         TrustFlex TLS, Provisioned, 8-SOIC 2K MOQ                                
     ATECC608A-TFLXTLSU    TrustFlex TLS, Provisioned, 8-UDFN 2K MOQ 

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