Allegro MicroSystems
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Allegro Microsystems Speed Sensor IC Solutions
Designing speed sensor applications for automotive transmissions, washing machine drum speeds and fork lift positioning requires reliable and consistent output signals. Allegro Microsystems differential speed sensor system solutions provide sensor IC’s that have advanced features and specialized algorithms that are based on extensive experience to keep your speed sensing designs reliable and high performing. Learn more about how your next speed sensing design can benefit in this video overview.
Die Vorzüge des Entwickelns mit vollintegrierten Stromsensor-ICs von Allegro
Die vollintegrierten Stromsensor-ICs von Allegro bieten eine optimale Lösung für Anwendungen, bei denen der verfügbare Platinenplatz oder die vertikale Bauhöhe begrenzt sind. Ein entscheidender Vorteil dieser vollintegrierten System-on-Chip-Stromsensoren besteht in ihrer Programmierung, die eine hocheffiziente Erfassung von Strömen bis zu 50 Ampere Gleichstrom mit einem Widerstand von etwa 1 Milliohm ermöglicht. In diesem informativen Überblick erfahren Sie mehr über die außergewöhnliche Genauigkeit und den geringen Platzbedarf der Stromsensor-ICs von Allegro.
The Advantages of Designing with Fully-Integrated Allegro Current Sensor ICs
The fully-integrated Allegro current sensor ICs offer an optimal solution for applications with limited PC board area or vertical headroom. A distinct advantage of these fully-integrated system-on-chip current sensors is that they are programmed to be highly-efficient in sensing currents as high as 50 amps continuous current with a resistance of about 1 milliohm. Learn more about the exceptional accuracy and small PCB footprint of Allegro current sensor ICs in this informative overview.
Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Drives Home Automation Applications
It is said that “demand is the mother of invention” and “demand” comes from people’s “idleness”. The robotic vacuum cleaner is a product developed to satisfy people’s idleness. Although this kind of product has been in the market for a while, its functions keep increasing. Its vacuum cleaning ability has been promoted, its operation time expanded and intelligent functions added. The market is growing continuously, attracting more and more manufacturers to engage in the development of related products.