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C&K gehört nun zu <br>Littelfuse Inc.
C&K gehört jetzt zu Littelfuse Inc, einem führenden Entwickler und Hersteller von elektromechanischen Hochleistungsschaltern und Verbindungslösungen. Dessen starke globale Präsenz deckt ein breites Spektrum von Endmärkten ab, darunter Industrie, Transport, Luft- und Raumfahrt sowie Datenkommunikation.
RFIDs Applications Expanding Lead Market Rapidly Growing
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an automatic identification technology used by wireless communication. While the RFID tag cost increasingly reduces, the tag size is shrinking and its application is widening. This article will introduce you RFID’s characteristics and RFID products and services provided by Murata Manufacturing Co, Ltd.
Capacitive MEMS Barometric Pressure Sensor Provides High-Precision Pressure Detection
More and more portable devices are equipped with barometric pressure sensors to detect the height of the user’s location and calculate their movement according to the change of barometric pressure. The pressure sensor introduced by Infineon is described below. It will be your best choice when designing products of relevant applications.