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Wolfspeed WolfPACK™-Stromversorgungsmodule für Anwendungen im mittleren Leistungsbereich
Erfahren Sie, wie neue Module im mittleren Leistungsbereich in der WolfPACK™-Familie von Stromversorgungsmodulen Design-Ingenieure bei der Entwicklung von Produkten unterstützen, die effizient, resilient und zuverlässig sind.
Omron Adds New Super-Sensitive, Non-Contact Temp Sensor to MEMS Product Series
The new Omron D6T-1A-02 thermal sensor is super-sensitive, infra-red, and fully non-contact. Designed with industrial, medical, and building automation systems in mind, this new sensor offers a wider range of thermal detection in ways that other products can’t.
Decrease Costs and Improve Reliability with Aavid Max Clip System™
The Aavid Max Clip System provides a high-performance, low-cost thermal solution for discreet power semiconductors. It eliminates the need for mounting holes, screws and rivets while delivering better overall thermal performance and reliability.